Monday, May 31, 2021

Alternative energy sources essay

Alternative energy sources essay

alternative energy sources essay

 · This essay seeks to establish whether alternative energy sources can help ease human reliance on oil. It is important that governments invest on alternative sources of energy because sometime in the future the vast sources of fossil fuel will get depleted Across the world, several countries have taken various initiatives to increase the usage of alternative sources of energy. Sources of Alternative Energy There are various alternative energy sources such as sun rays, wind, water, biomass, etc. which can provide us significant amount of energy Why there is an alternative energy sources like wind power, for two reasons. First reason, if we continue to use fossil fuel, the planet may be in danger and may cause carbon dioxide emissions. The carbon dioxide is increasing the planet’s temperature, which in turn will destroy us and our entire ecosystem. The second reason is we need to find energy sources that do not put out carbon dioxide (i.e.) fossil fuel.

My essays: Alternative Sources of Energy

Alternative Energy Sources Concerns that have been raised regarding energy security have been occasioned by fears about oil and other fossil fuel depletion; reliance on foreign sources of energy; geopolitics; developing countries' energy needs; environmental concerns; population dynamics; and renewable and other alternative energy sources Shah, This essay seeks to establish whether alternative energy sources can help ease human reliance on oil.

It is important that governments invest on alternative sources of energy because sometime in the future the vast sources of fossil fuel will get depleted. There are chances that fossil fuel extraction and production may peak sometime in the future Shah, Globalization has made it possible for goods to be manufactured away from where the consumers are situated.

These manufactured goods are often transported using cheap oil to the intended markets. High oil prices that have recently been witnessed threaten this current form of globalization. References Alternative Energy Resources. Solar Energy Facts. html Alternative Energy Resources. html Chu, S. Journey to Energy Independence.

These and other concerns associated with wind energy development are discussed below, and are addressed in the ind Energy Development Programmatic EIS. To get more information about these concerns and access current research, please visit the suggested web sites listed on the ind Energy Links page Talley 2.

Economic factors that make necessitate a switch from fossil fuel power production to wind power production. The initial cost of installing a wind power plant is lower than that of fossil fuel power plant. After installation, a wind power plant require very little maintenance but cost of running a fossil fuel plants is very high; ranging from raw material to the operation of the plant, wages and salaries paid to the employees working in the plant and transportation of raw materials and the waste material from the plant, alternative energy sources essay.

ind power alternative energy sources essay promising to be the most cost effective power production in the…. Work Cited Ball, J. Alternative Energy Source Alternative energy Alternative energy refers to the energy sources that have no undesired impact and they are renewable since they are generated by fuel sources and they restore themselves over a short period of time and do not diminish and are not derived from fossil fuels.

They include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal, biomass, biogas and hydro electric power. These types of energy have a significant potential to reduce emission of carbon dioxide which raises the amount of warmth in the atmosphere hence leading to global warming Alternative Energy, The demand that America as a whole has is quite large and consequently the consumption is proportionate to the demand, making it an environmental concern for the people of America as a whole.

There is need therefore to find an alternative to the commonly alternative energy sources essay fossil fuel, one that can effectively keep the economy moving. One alternative…. References Alternative Energy, Alternative Energy.

A Biofuel Process to Replace All Fossil Fuels. Hydrogen power is a little harder to understand than other power sources that one is used to experiencing every day such as the sun and wind. Hydrogen power results from the reaction of hygrogen gas and oxygen gas to create water Karim and Strickland, This reaction creates a lot of energy that can be harnessed by fuel cells and used to produce electricity.

There are several advantages to hydrogen power, alternative energy sources essay. For one, it is a very clean source of energy. It releases very few harmful emissions unlike burning of fossil fuel for energy, which creates harmful greenhouse gases, alternative energy sources essay. Use of hydrogen power decreases alternative energy sources essay United States' reliance on foreign oil. Hydrogen power can be used to power vehicles.

Also, it is not reliant on weather conditions and can be produced anywhere in the world. Some of the disadvantages of hydrogen power include cost, safety hazards and small fuel cell…. References California Energy Commision.

Comparative costs of California central station electricity generation technologies. June, PDF Department of Energy. A consumers guide: Get your power alternative energy sources essay the sun, alternative energy sources essay.

December pdf Energy Information Administration. Energy kids: Renewable wind. Subsequent events -- California's energy crisis. We want people to come into the Lagos economy.

There is room to do this by: obtaining a resident registration card. The value of registration will benefit everyone in terms of: the provisions of amenities, alternative energy sources essay, security and the protection of businesses. This is an enormous step forward. As, alternative energy sources essay, they want to help bring in residents and businesses to the area.

Once this takes place, it will allow the community to prosper over the long-term and it will create jobs. This is the point that local governments can effectively deal with challenges that are affecting their areas, alternative energy sources essay.

As a result, this is illustrating how the status quo is trying to focus on alternative programs…. Bibliography At a Glance Nigeria,UNICEF. Available from: [29 July ], alternative energy sources essay. Comparative Analysis,Business Dictionary, alternative energy sources essay. Available from: [27 July ]. Corruption in Nigeria is Unbelievable,News Time Africa.

Economic Growth and Environment,USAID. Available from: [25 July ]. DOD: Pursuing Alternative Energy Energy conservation and finding an appropriate energy solution is something that impacts nearly every field and profession, and is an issue which directly impacts the Department of Defense in a constant and lasting manner.

The Department of Defense has a responsibility to aggressively pursue alternative energy solutions, namely in the form of biofuels, just alternative energy sources essay they aggressively pursue the latest updates in technological warfare. In order for the Department of Defense to engage in their basic activities for defense and promoting safety while maintaining security, they need to be able to spend energy. The expenditure of energy is a foundational pillar of what the Department of Defense does.

In this day and age, professionals of every field are simply too smart, too educated and too knowledgeable to continue to expend energy in the typical manner -- a manner which is non-renewable and which destroys the planet.

Bibliography Alexander, D. et al. Navy moves ahead on biofuels despite congressional ire. January 6, Agency Seeks to Develop Military Aviation Biofuel. July 18, Siemens' Case Study The time is now. Fossil fuels are alternative energy sources essay becoming an outdated energy source, because they are rapidly depleting. For energy companies like Siemens, it is now the alternative energy sources essay moment where there needs to be adjustments in strategy to reflect a changing world.

However, the company must be in a good financial position to do so. Clearly, there needs to be enough free cash to reinvest into alternative energy sources as a way to ensure the company continues to exist long after the fossil fuels wells have run dry.

Thus, this analysis aims to explore Siemens' financial position alternative energy sources essay determine whether or not there is enough of a balance to go forward with massive investing into new technologies. Pro-Forma Cash Flow Statement Pro-Forma Cash Flow Statement In Millions Sales 30, 29, Change in eceivables 2, 2, Cash From Sales 10, 9, alternative energy sources essay, Cost of Sales 21, 22,….

References Rothaermel, Frank T. Siemens Energy: How to Engineer a Green Future? Annual Report. php Stanat, Michael. Corporate sustainability strategies: A Siemens case study. SIS International Research.

html Stock Analysis on Net. Siemens AG. Biofuel The search for alternative energy has been a major issue over past 30 years. In recent months there has been an increased amount of urgency concerning reliance upon fossil fuels.

The purpose of this discussion is to examine biofuel as a source of alternative energy. The research will focus on determining the impact that alternative energy sources essay may have on the current energy crisis.

Let us begin this discussion by defining the term biofuel, alternative energy sources essay. The term biofuel has become a familiar one within the context of the global Lexicon. According to an article entitled Biofuels: biofuels are produced from living organisms or from metabolic by- products organic or food waste products.

It is originally derived from the photosynthesis process and can therefore often be referred to as a solar energy source Biofuels. Works Cited Biofuels. Department of Energy. pdf Blanco Maria Isabel, Azqueta Diego.

Renewable Energy 101 - National Geographic

, time: 3:17

Alternative Energy Sources Free Essay Sample

alternative energy sources essay

Why there is an alternative energy sources like wind power, for two reasons. First reason, if we continue to use fossil fuel, the planet may be in danger and may cause carbon dioxide emissions. The carbon dioxide is increasing the planet’s temperature, which in turn will destroy us and our entire ecosystem. The second reason is we need to find energy sources that do not put out carbon dioxide (i.e.) fossil fuel.  · One of the alternative energy sources is solar power. In smaller scale, it is used to heat houses, water and in cooking. In larger scale, it is used to generate electricity. Another source is wind power. Older wind turbines used to grind crops, now to run generators and generate blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Alternative energy sources (e.g., biomass, bio-fuel, geothermal energy, natural gases, hydrogen fuel, hydro-electric power, nuclear power, wind, solar energy, and tidal currents) are not only able to reduce the impact fossil fuels have on everything but reduce the dependency of fossil fuels. In the proper combination the use of alternative energy sources should be considered a viable solution to alleviate

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