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Business essay examples

Business essay examples

business essay examples

Free essays about Business Proficient writing team Best quality of every paper Largest database of essay examples on! Home / Essay Samples / Business. Essays on Business. A Report On Walmart Bribery Scandal In Mexico. The operation business development is seriously unique and testing like never before because of the enormous progression in the innovation and technology. Most of the companies are confronting extraordinary challenges to guarantee advanced Introduction to Business Essay Words | 6 Pages. Review Questions 1. What factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in business? Is the pace likely to accelerate or decrease over the next decade? Why? Factors that contribute to the rapid pace of change in business are Natural Resources, Capital, Human Resources, and Entrepreneurship

Business School Essay Samples - Essay Writing Center

Business essay examples our latest COVID updates. Click again to hide the comment. Managing staff in a complex, global and digital workplace is challenging. New information technologies IT have delivered many benefits in terms of enabling employees to become better informed and to collaborate and share information despite geographical distance.

Lecturer's comment: "policies". Spelling errors can result in lost marks and not all spelling errors are picked up by spell check. Make sure you carefully proofread your work. It will also be argued that employers need to actively manage email communication rather than relying solely on email surveillance tools to control email use. Lecturer's comment: The purpose of the three real life cases in terms of the essay topic might be worth mentioning here. The first two cases involve disputes regarding dissemination of union material through workplace email, and the third entails an unfair dismissal claim related to the sending of inappropriate content via workplace email, business essay examples.

To learn more about this, see chapter 5. Employers Lecturer's comment: There is an inconsistency with formatting here. Some paragraphs begin with an indentation and some do not. Always be consistent in order to maximise your grade. in organisations can cheaply and easily monitor all kinds of electronic communication in the workplace, but should they do so? Lecturer's comment: While this introduces the topic of the paragraph clearly, it is best to avoid rhetorical questions in your essays.

Consider changing this to a statement, e. The IT systems utilised by companies are capable of recording sophisticated data that include computer keystroke monitoring, logging of events occurring on computers, recording applications used and keeping a log of all emails sent and received by an employee Kiser et al. This leaves more space for you to create and support your argument.

Employers play a key role in managing electronic communication and the core functions of management involve planning, business essay examples, organising, leading and controlling Robbins et al, business essay examples. Monitoring suggests the management function of controlling. If employers or managers bear the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that company email communication is appropriate, it could then be argued that it is reasonable for management to implement methods of controlling or monitoring such communication.

Kiser, et al. Lecturer's comment: As a kind of mini literature review, business essay examples, these paragraphs summarise the literature effectively, yet maintain your voice and that element of authorial control I am looking for from my students.

Well done. It is argued that such surveillance can create a climate of distrust and an unnecessarily business essay examples atmosphere for employees Business essay examples et al, Lecturer's comment: Full stop always required after "et al. You got this right earlier! Be consistent. The authors point out that monitoring may also expose employers to legal challenges as covert surveillance is strictly regulated in Australiap. Where is the quotation? Lecturer's comment: This is a very clear topic sentence that summarises the main message of the paragraph.

The effect of this is that your reader can easily follow the logic of your essay's argument and structure. Gilbert argues that a total prohibition of personal use of email is unreasonable. For example, personal use of email to inform family members or child care workers about unexpected overtime is acceptable.

Kiser et al. Trust can be maintained by communicating clear policies for email use and employees are more likely to trust the process of email monitoring and feel that their privacy is respected if policies are transparent and well-constructed Kiser et al.

However, employees need to be mindful that any personal or private use of email is communicated electronically through company systems and any private email can potentially become public. The blurring of boundaries between personal and private use of company email has created a significant challenge for employers and employees. One Australian university professor became painfully aware of this when his private email to another colleague was leaked, leading to his suspension McNeilage, Lecturer's comment: This is a somewhat facile argument.

The lesson from this example is surely more along the lines of avoiding inappropriate communication at work altogether, rather than monitoring email in the workplace. A reasonable approach to managing email is one that considers all stakeholders, including employees. If employers wish to monitor email it rests with them to overcome the disadvantages posed by ineffective, unethical and unreasonable methods of email monitoring.

Covert monitoring followed by dismissal cannot be considered a reasonable method of controlling employee email use. In one case brought before the Fair Work Commission FWC a decision of unreasonable monitoring was made because employees were not aware they were being monitored. The email was sent from a home computer and from a personal email address. The three employees were dismissed following the installation of a software filter on the Australia Post email system that detected the content.

This case demonstrates the importance of monitoring being accompanied by an effective policy. Lecturer's comment: A salient and relevant example. Organisational IT policy also played a significant role in the outcome of two cases of alleged misuse of email, featuring Channel 7 and the Queensland Department of Education. The outcome was quite different in the Queensland Department of Education case, business essay examples, in which a teacher sought to become a union representative.

Managers in organisations need to take a considered approach to drafting and business essay examples IT policies. They also need to be more active in foreseeing and preventing potential problems of email misuse.

The key management functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling need to be comprehensively incorporated into email monitoring for monitoring to be considered a reasonable strategy.

Managers should take a proactive role in controlling potential email misuse by explaining the purpose of email monitoring and how it can protect all stakeholders in the organisation, including employees Kiser et al. Lecturer's comment: Most of your in text citations appear mid-paragraph and even mid-sentence. Well business essay examples. Managers could work in teams with employees to co-construct suitable and transparent IT policies.

When breaches are detected, employees could be cautioned rather than being summarily dismissed. Lecturer's comment: as cited in, business essay examples. In the case involving the post office employees, no planning was undertaken by the employer to ensure employees were fully aware of policy, aware of surveillance tools and aware of the consequences of breaches to IT policy.

There was no consistently organised method for business essay examples to breaches and no leadership was shown by front line managers in modelling the appropriate use of email, business essay examples. The technological advances of IT have enabled improvements in productivity, yet misuse can also bring significant risks to employers and employees alike. Misuse of email can lead to job insecurity for employees and legal disputes that take company resources away from employers.

At the heart of the confusion surrounding appropriate workplace email communication lays Lecturer's comment: lies, business essay examples.

It is important for managers to get things right at all levels of implementation of IT policy in the organisation. Managers need to proactively plan, organise, lead and control email use within the company. If monitoring of employee email is purposeful, transparent, well-planned, business essay examples, effectively organised, business essay examples, reinforced by effective leadership, and controlled with consideration of all company stakeholders, including employees, then it can be reasonable, business essay examples.

Lecturer's comment: Business essay examples comments: This is a generally well-structured piece of writing that is clearly well-planned and makes good use of both recommended and independently sourced literature. If I was forced to find a criticism I would say that the examination of the argument against monitoring workplace email is somewhat lacking in depth.

There are significant ethical and human rights-related issues that remain unexplored in your argument, business essay examples.

However, for the purposes of this assessment task, you have made a bright start to academic writing. One area that needs significant improvement, however, is your referencing. There are numerous inconsistencies and errors below. Much more attention to detail is needed.

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business essay examples

Category: Business Essay Examples. See our collection of business essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write essays on business-related topics. The word “business” can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector (for example: “the financial sector”) or to the sum of all economic activity (“the business sector “) Mar 15,  · Business Administration & International Business Essay Words | 8 Pages. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS In the literal meaning, Business refers to an organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. Business Administration has over the years taken the form of a formal field of knowledge Home / Essay Samples / Business. Essays on Business. A Report On Walmart Bribery Scandal In Mexico. The operation business development is seriously unique and testing like never before because of the enormous progression in the innovation and technology. Most of the companies are confronting extraordinary challenges to guarantee advanced

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