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Dowry essay

Dowry essay

dowry essay

Aug 09,  · Dowry System Essay. Dowry is basically the cash, jewellery, furniture, property and other tangible items given by the bride’s family to the bridegroom and his parents during the event of marriage and this system is called Dowry System. It has been prevalent in India since centuries. Dowry system is one of the evil systems prevalent in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Feb 12,  · Essay on Dowry System: Dowry is the gift that is given voluntarily by the bride’s father. This is a very old system and it is a custom that was made to help the newlyweds establish their new homes. The system is looked down upon in society now and so Jun 12,  · The first essay is a long essay on Dowry System of words. This long essay about Dowry System is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Dowry System of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Dowry System Essay for Students in English

Dowry is an ancient culture. It has ever been an essential dowry essay of a marriage. It was meant to help the newly-wedded dowry essay set up a new home and live happily.

Thus dowry was all right then. Even now, there is no wrong in giving dowry willingly and when it is within reach of the parents of the bride. But it is a curse when it is heartlessly pulled from them, dowry essay.

Demand of Dowry. In our culture, dowry is a curse more often than not, because it has now become a sort of bargain to the loss of the parents of a girl. The father of a daughter is asked to give a dowry enough beyond his means. The demand of dowry dowry essay nothing but a desire for money which can never be filled, dowry essay. The result is that even after the agreed dowry is given, the girl is continuously hurt, insulted, dowry essay, and wounded to bring in more and more from her parents.

Her incapacity to do so results either in killing or in self-murder. Daily we read news about the mortality of newly-wedded girls. One young bride dies in stove-explosion, dowry essay, another is found hanging from the ceiling fan, the body of yet another is obtained from a well or on the railway track, dowry essay.

The dowry system is criticized daily by all, but nothing fruitful has been done so far. Anti-dowry bills have been passed. Laws against asking and attempting dowry have been made many a time, but the scandal remains unabated. But law alone cannot do much. Society Must also come ahead to help itself. Proper education of the public mind in this matter through various means is required.

Schools, dowry essay, colleges and universities should hold seminars and discussions to consider the problem of dowry. I hope guys you like dowry dowry essay essay; please share it with your friends and family. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS. Also Read —. Must Read —. I reached out because i have published come content that might fit at your site Please have a look — Dowry System Essay — What is Dowry System?

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Dowry System Essay | Essay on Dowry System in Words

dowry essay

Essay on Dowry System You're here: Home» English Essay Topics Dowry means those gifts and presents which are given by a father or a guardian to his daughter at the time of her marriage. In ancient times, it was considered as a sort of help to the newlyweds to establish their own blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min Feb 12,  · Essay on Dowry System: Dowry is the gift that is given voluntarily by the bride’s father. This is a very old system and it is a custom that was made to help the newlyweds establish their new homes. The system is looked down upon in society now and so Dowry system is followed in India since a very long time. Our ancestors started this system for valid reasons but now it is leading to issues and problems in society. In this essay on dowry, we will see what dowry exactly is, how it started, and why it should be stopped now. History Of Dowry. Dowry system started even before the British blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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