Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on competition

Essay on competition

essay on competition

Essay on Competition in Our Society – Opposition and cooperation occur in every society although their form and direction are cul­turally conditioned. Opposition may be defined as a struggle against another or others for a com­modity, goal or value. Cooperation is a joint venture with another or others for a commodity, goal or blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins The Role of Competitions in Our Life Essay | Examples and Competition is a part of life that can't be avoided. Even when we don't realize we are doing it, we all try our hardest at what we do often trying to rise above everyone else. Often on the school level many types of competition are nurtured and encouraged

Short and Long Essay on Is Competition Really Good for Students

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. Competition is something that everyone has in his or her life. When you are young and still studying in school, you would compete with your classmates for better grades, essay on competition, when you get older and go to work, you would compete with your colleagues essay on competition as to please the boss more with your work and essay on competition a promotion to a higher position with better salary.

Companies compete with each other to get more customers and slowly expand their business. Countries compete with each other for a better economy. Even animals and plants compete with each other.

The plants compete with each other to as to get more water, sunlight and nutrients, while the animals in the wild challenge each other for survival and mating. So, competition is part of everyday life, but is it really a good thing? The cause of having competition between people is that people like to prove to themselves or other people that they are actually better than the other person.

People compete with each other so as to win, and winning brings benefits to the victor. Essay on competition people compete to make their views heard, like when in political elections. The representatives debate with each other and try their best to convince the public to vote for them. People not only compete with others but with themselves too.

Some people do not concentrate on beating their peers but instead, they concentrate on competing with themselves. They keep trying to do better than they did previously, therefore these people are not under as much stress as the people who compete with the society. People who compete with themselves get to set their own goals and learn or work a their own pace, and as such there is not so much strain, essay on competition.

Competition causes good stress, essay on competition. This type of stress from competition makes people strive to be better than their rivals. The stress drives people to work harder and go the extra mile to improve, essay on competition, making the society and country move forward and not lag behind others. Without this sort essay on competition stress, people improve much slower, and so, even if one does continue to keep improving, they will still end up being left behind.

Now, the competition is getting more intense in Singapore. There is more and more foreign talent coming to Singapore and so if Singaporeans do not start working harder, all the jobs in Singapore will end up going to the foreigners and Singapore will lose out. Introducing more foreign talent to Singapore will make Singaporeans have the drive to work harder if they do not want to be sacked or retrenched by their companies to be replaced by foreigners.

Having more foreign talents in Singapore will help our economy and society develop faster and hence Singapore will not fall behind essay on competition rest of the world. There are also examples of healthy competition in the Olympics. One of the most important things in the Olympic games is good sportsmanship between opponents. This means having respect for your rivals, fair play, courtesy, a striving spirit and grace in losing.

All these are what all competitors should have when competing, as these are values of competition. Sports essay on competition many good virtues that everyone should know and follow as this is what the human spirit is about.

Of course, nothing in this essay on competition is perfect with all benefits and no disadvantages, and competition is no exception. Competition not only causes good stress but bad stress as well. The bad stress is due to people being under too much pressure, possibly from losing out to others. The higher the competitiveness of a situation, the more pressure there is on the competitors.

When there is too much pressure on a person from failure, he or she might feel that they are inferior and slowly they start feeling depressed. In some severe cases, the essay on competition might even start suffering from depression. These people will then consequently not feel like striving to be better and continuing to compete, becoming the outcastes of the society. Competition often generates internal social conflict, so even when you have succeeded in beating your rivals, there will always be a detractor who does not want to see the good work that you have achieved and instead hurl insults and baseless accusations at you.

This is the sad but true reality in life that no one can escape. Because of this, friends may sometimes become unhappy with each other because of the competition between them, essay on competition.

There is also the issue of having too much competition. An example for that would be World War Two. In World War Two, Japan wanted to become the most powerful country in the world. It tried to conquer all the other countries around it and in the process many innocent lives were lost. They attacked China, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, United States of America and many other countries. The Japanese soldiers attacked mercilessly and spared no one, thus many died just because of competition.

Also, there was an armed race in Europe as many countries tried to compete with each other to make stronger weapons that were more destructive. In this war that was caused by competition, many lives were wasted away, showing the fearsome strength of a competition that was too intense. Sometimes, competition brings out the ugly behaviour in people. Some people become so used to the taste of sweet victory that they would do anything to essay on competition their winning streak.

These people who are obsessed with success tend to end up using despicable methods of competition. Some of the methods are occasionally essay on competition in sports and games. The competitors essay on competition cheat by taking drugs like steroids, causing them to be stronger and faster than they really are.

Another way of cheating in competitions in by bribing the judges so that they will give a higher or lower mark to a certain person.

The bribers just think that money can solve all their problems, but even if the person that they want to win does win, it does not mean that he or she is the true victor. The victory was bought using money and so it is actually not worth anything at all. All in all, competition is both good and bad. When competition is managed properly, it is good essay on competition it drives people to strive to be better and shows the human spirit, but when competition gets out of hand, in serious cases like war, many lives may be lost.

So, competition is only good when it is managed well. There is an alternative for competition, essay on competition, but it is not a good one.

The alternative for competition would be to have no competition at all. This would mean going back to how we were in the past, when people only cared about planting crops and rearing animals so as to have enough food for the family. If this were true, then man would have kept on staying that way without any essay on competition inventions or discoveries, meaning that man will not move forward and improve like the way that we are doing now.

So, it would be better if we were the way we are right now, without any changes to the way we are living. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.

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How to win an essay competition / my experience and 10 tips

, time: 24:29

Competition: Good or Bad? |

essay on competition

Type of paper: Essays Subject: Leadership Words: Competition is an indispensable part of life on our planet, where only the strongest can survive. This is the law which outlined the whole idea of Darwin’s evolution theory and the main principle of business practices. Competition is the basis for any sport, job interviews and college admission procedures  · While competition generally ends in a win-lose result, cooperation advocates that one plus one is larger than two, three or even a larger number. For example, the competition of two business firms would ultimately lead to the result that one becomes stronger There is room for competition in life of every person. It stimulates the growth of production and the spiritual growth of a person, develops abilities and functions, controls production, and regulates markets. Competition is the force for progress; it gives an incentive to move forward and leads to blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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