Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on dementia

Essay on dementia

essay on dementia

Dementia is a broad-spectrum term that defines a group of symptoms-like loss of memory, language, judgment, and intellectual function. The word dementia comes from the Latin word meaning "apart from mind". Dementia is a group of disorders that cause a permanent deterioration of individual's ability to reason, think and manage his own life Dementia is an all-inclusive term for cognitive impairment that interferes with attention to daily living and quality of life. This term does not refer to forgetting your car keys or turning off a light. It refers to mild, moderate or severe cognitive impairments Pathophysiology: Dementia Dementia, also known as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is a progressive, chronic, and degenerative. 60% of dementia occurs in people over the age of Dementia causes loss of judgment, memory, change in personality, and visuospatial perception

Dementia Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

There is often misperception and confusion with the terms dementia and Essay on dementia disease, essay on dementia, but there is a distinctive difference. Dementia is a symptom that can be caused by many disorders and Alzheimer's disease is the type and cause of dementia.

When someone is told they have dementia, it means that they have significant memory problems as well as other cognitive difficulties, and that these problems are essay on dementia enough to get in the way of daily living. Dementia may be caused by any of the followings: high fever, AIDS, dehydration, systemic lupus erythematosus, hydrocephalus, Lyme disease, vitamin deficiencies, long-term drug or alcohol abuse, poor nutrition, hypercalcemia, hypothyroidism, brain tumor and multiple essay on dementia. Dementia can also result from a reaction to medication or a head injury that causes bleeding in the brain.

Dementia includes deterioration in memory, and intellectual incapability such as inability to generate comprehensible speech and understand written or spoken language; inability to recognize objects; inability to think conceptually, plan, make sound judgments and carry out complex tasks. The deterioration in intellectual abilities must be severe enough to restrict with daily life. Different types of dementia are related with essay on dementia symptom, patterns and microscopic brain abnormalities.

Alzheimer's disease causes drastic changes in the brain. As healthy brain substance degenerate people suffering from Alzheimer's disease experience a decline in memory and the capability to use their brain to do tasks.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder. It destroys brain cells, causing problems with behavior, memory and thinking severe enough to affect work, or social life. Alzheimer's disease is fatal and gets worse over time. Alzheimer's disease is predominantly common in elder people.

Because it is the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer's disease is frequently associated with the general term dementia.

Though, there are many other causes of dementia, essay on dementia. To be clear, Alzheimer's is a type of dementia and that is the key difference between Alzheimer's and dementia. Even though Alzheimer's disease is responsible for percent cases of dementia, other conditions that cause dementia include: Parkinson's disease, Vascular dementia, Frontotemporal dementia and dementia with Lewy Bodies.

In the early phases of a disease, there may be some differences between the diseases. For instance, in dementia with Lewy Bodies early symptoms may not be forgetfulness, but recurrent visual hallucinations, lowered attention essay on dementia and variability between phases of lucidity followed by phases of confusion.

Nevertheless, as the specific disease progresses, more portions of the brain become affected, and the differences between one cause of dementia to another becomes vague and delicate. Physicians at times prefer the word "dementia", perchance essay on dementia Alzheimer's has become a heavy and complicated word. Differentiating between other types of dementia and Alzheimer's disease is not easy and direct as defining these terms. In reality, people and their disordered behaviors are more complicated than the simple definitions of the disorders.

Remember, the chief difference among dementia and Alzheimer's is that Alzheimer's is a definite disease and dementia is an indication of Alzheimer's.

In a healthy brain, bulk and speed may deteriorate in adulthood, but the brain continues to form essay on dementia functions throughout the life.

However, when the brain connections are lost due to inflammation, injury or disease, essay on dementia, brain cells ultimately die and dementia may possibly result. Understanding cause of the dementia is the first step, essay on dementia. In the preceding twenty years, scientists have explained the origins of dementia. Genetics might increase the risks, but scientists believe that a combination of hereditary, lifestyle and environmental factors are the most likely causes.

Dementia has several different causes, some of which are hard to tell apart. Causes of dementia may be divided into reversible and irreversible dementias. Some of the conditions that cause dementia may be reversible, even though unluckily most types of dementia do not recover with medical treatment.

So, it is very important to assess dementia symptoms carefully, so as not to miss possibly treatable conditions. The main irreversible causes of dementia are given below.

Treatment emphases on slowing progress of the underlying disorder and relieving symptoms. Alzheimer disease: This is the most commonly occurring cause of dementia.

Alzheimer tends to run in families. In this disease, atypical protein deposits in the brain and destroy brain cells in the areas that control memory and intellectual functions. Alzheimer disease is irreversible, and no known treatment exists, essay on dementia. Though, certain medicines can slow its progress.

Vascular dementia: This is another most common cause of dementia, essay on dementia. This dementia is caused by hardening of the arteries, in the brain. Deposits of fats, dead cells, and other debris inside the wall of arteries, partially or completely block the blood flow.

This blockage causes disruptions of blood flow, to the brain. Vascular dementia is related high cholesterol, to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and related conditions. Treating those conditions can slow the development of vascular dementia. Parkinson disease: Patients with this disease characteristically have limb stiffness, speech problems, and tremor shaking at rest, essay on dementia.

Dementia might develop late in this disease, but not everybody with Parkinson disease has dementia. Speech, reasoning, memory, and decision making are most likely to be affected. Lewy body dementia: This dementia is caused by abnormal deposits of protein, called Lewy bodies, which destroy essay on dementia cells. The deposits can cause symptoms like tremor and muscle rigidity, essay on dementia. Lewy body dementia affects concentration thinking and attention essay on dementia than language and memory.

Lewy body dementia has no known cure. Huntington disease: This is an inherited disease and causes degenerative of certain types of brain cells that control movement and thinking. Dementia occurs in the late stages of the disease, essay on dementia.

Personality changes are characteristic feature, essay on dementia. Reasoning, judgment memory and speech may also be affected. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: This disease occurs most often in young and middle-aged people.

Infectious agents which are called prions essay on dementia brain cells, causing memory loss and behavior changes. The disease progresses quickly and is fatal. frontotemporal dementia: This is a rare disorder that harms cells in the front area of the brain. It causes memory loss, language problems and personality changes. Head injury: This mentions to brain damage from accidents, for example from road traffic accidents; gunshot wounds; or from activities such as boxing.

The resultant damage of brain cells can cause dementia. Infections: Infections such as essay on dementia and encephalitis are main causes of essay on dementia. Other infections, such as HIV and syphilis, can also affect the brain in advanced stages.

In all such cases, essay on dementia in the brain harms the cells. Hydrocephalus: The brain fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid. If too much fluid accumulates outside the brain substance, it causes hydrocephalus.

This condition raises the pressure on the brain and compresses it. It might cause severe damage and death. Hydrocephalus may cause dementia symptoms or coma. At the same time they start to lose memory. Brain tumors: A tumor can press on brain structures which control hormone secretion. They can also press the brain cells, causing damage. Treating the tumor can reverse the symptoms. Toxic exposure: People who work around heavy metal dust and fumes especially lead without protective equipment may develop dementia because these substances can damage brain cells.

Metabolic disorders: Diseases of pancreas, essay on dementia, liver or kidneys can lead to dementia by disturbing the amount of salts and other chemicals in the blood. Treatment of the underlying disease may fully reverse the disorder. If the underlying disease continues, brain cells may die, and the essay on dementia will have dementia.

Hormone disorders: Diseases of organs such as thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, or adrenal glands can cause hormone imbalances, which results in dementia if not treated. Poor oxygenation: People who do not have enough oxygen in their blood may develop dementia because the blood brings oxygen to the brain cells, and brains cells need oxygen to live. The most common causes of hypoxia are lung diseases such as emphysema or pneumonia.

Cigarette smoking is a frequent cause of emphysema. Heart disease leading to congestive heart failure may also lower the amount of oxygen in the blood. Sudden, severe hypoxia may also cause brain damage and symptoms of dementia.

Sudden hypoxia may occur if someone is comatose or has to be resuscitated. Drug reactions or drug abuse: Certain drugs can cause temporary problems with memory as side effects in aged people.

Misuse of drugs, whether deliberate or unintentional, can cause dementia. The common culprits are tranquilizers essay on dementia sleeping pills. Illegal drugs, especially cocaine and heroin may also cause essay on dementia, particularly in high doses and if taken for long periods.

Nutritional deficiencies: Lack of certain nutrients, particularly B vitamins, can cause dementia if not improved. Chronic alcoholism: Prolong use of alcohol can causes dementia due to complications of alcohol misuse such as liver disease and nutritional deficiencies. Dementia develops when the areas of the brain that are involved with memory, learning, essay on dementia, language and decision-making are affected by infections or diseases.

When life's encounters include dementia or memory loss, perceptions, priorities and relationships inevitably change. But the good news is that some types of dementia can be reversed or treated if caught in time. With dementia, there will be noticeable decline in learning, communication, problem solving and remembering, essay on dementia.

These changes may happen quickly or very slowly over time.

What is Dementia - Presented by Dr. David B. Reuben - UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Program

, time: 1:11:33

Dementia And Alzheimers Disease Health Essay

essay on dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease is a subset of dementia, which is classified by issues with memory function, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common cause of Dementia in the United States, with cases of the disease continuing to grow exponentially as time goes on. There are currently over five and a half million Americans with Alzheimer’s [ ] Dementia is a broad-spectrum term that defines a group of symptoms-like loss of memory, language, judgment, and intellectual function. The word dementia comes from the Latin word meaning "apart from mind". Dementia is a group of disorders that cause a permanent deterioration of individual's ability to reason, think and manage his own life People with dementia have the right to a dignified, healthy, safe, and friendly environment where they are treated as equals regardless their increasing age or diminishing capabilities. (Mitchell et el., ). They can still maintain their abilities to cope independently throughout the early or mild stages of dementia

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