Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on democracy is the best form of government

Essay on democracy is the best form of government

essay on democracy is the best form of government

As quoted by Winston Churchill, democracy is the best form of government that has existed. This is true because the heart of democracy is reliant, dependent, and thrives on the populaces desires; which gives them the ability for maintaining the right to choose, over time it adjusts and fixes itself to engulf the prominent troubling issues, and people have the right of electing the person they show more content Democracy is considered to be the best form of Government because People have the right to voice out their opinion. They have the right to elect their representative. In democracy, the Government considered the peoples welfare above its own ideology. Above Even though most government systems have shattered and failed on numerous counts, Democracy has remained intact and has gained the right to be named the best form of government in today’s society. One can believe that Democracy is the best form of government in today society because it contains a combined balance of several other systems

Can be democracy the best form of governance? Essay

Essay 1. The former essay on democracy is the best form of government means the people and the latter word means power. In democracy the preeminent factor is the people. There the government is run by the people and the main concern is the welfare of the people.

Democracy has a great educative force, because it strives for the development of the personality of the citizens. So democracy is not only a form of government but a kind of upgraded society.

These are the warp and woof of a culture which may be called democracy culture. Although democracy has a definite and set method of its own, it has such a strong appeal that everybody and every institution tries to go by the name of democracy. The position has been nicely delineated by Carl J.

Everyone is for democracy as he understands it. In the USA democracy means the existing scheme of things or some idealized version of it or even what the men of Philadelphia intended the constitution to be. In Britain too it means whatever one considers the government and politics of the country to be, but also more particularly what the Labour Party aspires to and has been seeking to accomplish, when it has been in power.

In the USSR and communist China such American and British views are laughed at as reactionary. Such democracy presupposes a classless society and can only come after capitalism has been destroyed by the dictatorship of the proletariat since the end of the Second World War, and especially in the period of the Cold War these classes of outlook became acute.

Essay 2. It takes the form of such government in which all the adult persons gather in a public place to make laws, pass budgets and elect the executive. This type of government was possible in small city-states of Greece where the entire population of the city could assemble.

It is not suitable for a large state. More importantly, direct democracy might have been possible and desirable in small countries like ancient Greek and Roman city-states where population was very few and life was very simple.

The system is not appropriate for modern large states which have a complex life. The vastness of the modern state and its huge population and, above all, the large size of the electorate will make it unworkable and even impossible on financial and administrative reasons, essay on democracy is the best form of government.

Now it is to be found in five cantons of Switzerland. It is also called the representative form of democracy. It is that form of government in which the people themselves do not make the laws, pass the budget and elect the executive. In an indirect democracy the people elect their representatives and these representatives make laws, pass the budget and elect the executive.

In all modern states democracies are indirect. Thus England, the USA, France and India have indirect democracy. Essay 3. Conditions Necessary for the Success of Democracy: Democracy in the world is plagued by several maladies. As a cure, different philosophers have suggested different needs which include the reform of the electoral rolls, introduction of referendum, initiative and recall and increased cooperation of the people in the public affairs and improved capacity of the citizens.

But consensus among the political philosophers is that the following are the basic needs for the success of democracy:. A proper education is a must for the success of democracy. The sentinel of democracy is an educated and enlightened public opinion. Wide dissemination of knowledge and universalization of education is the pillar of democracy. Minus education, democracy will degenerate into mobocracy. Speaking at the Harvard University inMr.

Rajiv Gandhi asserted that in spite of widespread illiteracy, predominantly among the rural people, India could still be a democracy. He seemed to suggest that as far as democratic thoughts and exercise of wisdom, democratic rights and norms are concerned, common sense is more important than literacy, essay on democracy is the best form of government. A democracy without wisdom is a potential anarchy. It has no power of criticism and is at the mercy of any demagogue and of any dictator.

Eternal vigilance is not the price of liberty atone. It is a price of democracy too. It makes demand on ordinary citizens to take part.

But if they leave it to someone else, sooner or later they may fall under a dictatorship and that will be fatal. Alertness on the part of the citizens is another big foundation of democracy.

Without it, democracy will be usurped by the demagogues, essay on democracy is the best form of government. The Germans lost their democracy during the time of Adolf Hitler for want of constant vigil on the rights of the people of Germany.

Hitler cleverly raised the dream of democracy before the people only to crush it. Unfortunately, for the want of alertness on the part of the people they could be so easily played into the hands of a potential dictator. This should be an eye-opener for all right thinking democrats. Let us have a look into Bangladesh. That country established democracy in But soon the Bangladesh army liquidated the freedom-loving Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and captured power.

Once again the wily politicians met with the same fate and put the country under military dictatorship. This had been possible because there was no political awareness among the general people of Bangladesh. What happened in Pakistan and Essay on democracy is the best form of government will not take place in England or the USA because there the people are politically conscious. This political vigilance is a must in a democracy.

Democracy functions effectively if there is a hierarchy of powers from the centre to the village unit. This kind of elaborate system of local self-government will train the people in the art and science of the government.

Thus essay on democracy is the best form of government power should be decentralised into the Panchayats and civic bodies. This type of democratisation of the institutions will minimise the scope of anybody to misuse the mechanism of the government, essay on democracy is the best form of government.

Perhaps there is no better suggestion on it than that given by Dr K. A municipality gives the necessary experience in administration and tests in the individual members as to whether they would really serve the people or serve themselves. In a democracy the maximum participation of the citizenry is assured. There is a corresponding civic responsibility from the side of the citizens. The citizens should have high sense of moral rectitude. If the citizens idle away their responsibility there is an end to democracy.

In the absence of selfless devotion to the public good, democracy is maimed. Democracy is indeed a difficult government, because it presupposes civic capacity on the part of the citizens.

Democracy is a government of the majority. What should be the attitude of the majority towards the minority? It should be one of sympathy and tolerance. A religious and linguistic majority must not disrespect the similar sentiments of the minority. The majority must hear the view-point of the other people.

We shut the doors of reasons when we refuse to listen to our opponents, or having listened, make fun of them. If intolerance becomes a habit we run the risk of missing the truth. There is no place of violence in a democratic set-up. Tolerance is necessary for the success of democracy. But here is one thing the democrat cannot tolerate, namely injustice. His vigilant sympathy must be directed against all kinds of injustice.

The bedrock of democracy is freedom of speech, association and press. If not democratic personality of a citizen cannot be fully blossomed. Democracy demands that all sections of the people should be taken into confidence as far as practicable.

If there is no individual liberty there is no democracy. This liberty includes the freedom to freely and without fear express the views either in a public speech or in newspapers and other literary media. Man is a gregarious animal and as such there must be a guarantee of free association to mobilise public opinion. These are the three levers of democracy. A written constitution is better than an unwritten one, because essay on democracy is the best form of government it all the powers of the authorities and the rights of the citizens are put in black and white.

If there is no written constitution, the rights of the people will be vague and uncertain. Fortunately, the constitutions of India, France, Australia and the USA have written provisions in which the fundamental rights are guaranteed. Although the constitution of England is an unwritten one the fundamental rights are enshrined in the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. If the guaranteed rights of the citizens are taken away by any authority, the people can depose the government and establish a better one.

The theory of separation of power came as a safeguard of democracy. It guarantees the equal representation in the sharing of power to every section of the government. According to Charles-Louis Montesquieu, the father of this essay on democracy is the best form of government, concentration of powers of law-making and law-enforcing and law-interpreting in the hands of one person or body will be the very definition of tyranny.

In operational terms this theory requires certain sequence in the functioning of the government. The legislature, in this system, should have, essay on democracy is the best form of government, an open debate on the subject and pass it by a majority decision. In the second stage the executive has to translate it into action. Judicial review will come in the third stage, in case there is an excess of arbitrariness in so executing the will of the legislature in the executive.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Democracy Not Many are Aware Of

, time: 8:32

Is democracy the best form of governance? Free Essay Example

essay on democracy is the best form of government

Democracy is considered to be the best form of Government because People have the right to voice out their opinion. They have the right to elect their representative. In democracy, the Government considered the peoples welfare above its own ideology. Above Mar 14,  · Throughout history, various scholars, including ancient philosophers, have had a divergent view on whether democracy is the best form of governance (Kelsen 3). Some of these arguments are discussed in this essay Why Democracy is the Best Form of Government Essay Words | 5 Pages. have been in tact so civilizations remained structured and cohesive. As humanity advanced, governments obligingly followed. Although there have been hiccups from the ancient times to modern day, one type of government, democracy, has proven to be the most effective and

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