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Guantanamo bay essay

Guantanamo bay essay

guantanamo bay essay

Jul 21,  · Guantanamo Bay Essay has claimed since to have complete authority over the naval base in Guantanamo Bay while Cuba has “ultimate sovereignty” (Kaplan ), which simply does not make any sense Apr 19,  · Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo)is an essential base for the United States of America and should stay open for many reasons. Some people believe the base is unethical, not on american soil and costs to much, and for those reasons want it closed. I would argue because what those terrorists did was unethical and they should get a taste of what they blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Mar 19,  · Torture in Guantanamo Bay Essay Example Their constant claims of no abuse are eerily similar to The Party in George Orwell’s novel They tell the public one thing, and they all believe that it is true without question. The use of double-think, as Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Torture in Guantanamo Bay Free Essay Sample

Guantanamo bay essay in Guantanamo Bay Mohamed al-Kahtani guantanamo bay essay a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay who endured numerous disgusting and truly horrifying acts of torture.

They are held in solitary confinement, while all day and night their lights in the rooms are kept on. Whether it is psychical or emotional torture, it is occurring all round the camp. With all of this going on, with numerous reports of abuse from the Red Cross, guantanamo bay essay, the United States Government continues to argue against the fact that it is occurring. They tell the public one thing, and they all believe that it is true without question.

The officials used different types of torture, all of which are extremely dangerous as well as effective. If a detainee is uncooperative, they loose their usual freedoms.

They are denied use of the lavatories, and are forced to urinate and defecate themselves, guantanamo bay essay. One detainee told the officials the truth about him not being at a meeting with Osama bin Laden, and because his answer was unsatisfactory, guantanamo bay essay, he was forced to urinate himself. Prisoners are also shackled to the floor during interrogations and interviews so they cannot pose a threat, guantanamo bay essay.

There are also numerous incidents reported involving beatings of the detainees. They are beaten if they do not cooperate or if their answers are not what guantanamo bay essay officials want to hear, guantanamo bay essay.

Because of the beatings, many detainees confess to crimes they did not even guantanamo bay essay in. The ones who cooperate are given a lot more luxury than those who do not. The detainees who are either new or uncooperative wear orange jumpsuits, while the others who do cooperate or given white cotton clothing. The beatings grew less frequent, and became mainly a threat, guantanamo bay essay, a horror to which he could be sent back at any moment when his answers were unsatisfactory.

His questioners now were not ruffians in black uniforms but Party intellectuals, little rotund men with quick movements guantanamo bay essay flashing spectacles, who worked on him in relays over periods which lasted — he thought, he could not be sure — ten or twelve hours at a stretch, guantanamo bay essay.

These other questioners saw to it that he was in constant slight pain, but it was not chiefly pain that they relied on. They slapped his face, wrung his ears, pulled his hair, made him stand on one leg, refused him leave to urinate, shone glaring lights in his face until his eyes ran with water; but the aim of this was simply to humiliate him and destroy his power of arguing and reasoning.

Their real weapon was the merciless questioning that went on and on, hour after hour, tripping him up, laying traps for him, twisting everything that he said, convicting him at every step of lies and self-contradiction until he began weeping as much from shame as from nervous fatigue. PagePart 3, Chapter 2. We have broken you up. You have seen what your body is like. Your mind is in the same state. I do not think there can be much pride left in you.

You have been kicked and flogged and insulted, guantanamo bay essay, you have screamed with pain, you have rolled on the floor in your own blood and vomit. You have whimpered for mercy, you have betrayed everybody and everything. Can you think of a single degradation that has not happened to you? Winston is tortured until he can take no more, and confess to acts he had no idea even happened.

Everything will be dead inside of you. Never again will you be capable of love, guantanamo bay essay friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty and than we shall fill you with ourselves. Psychological warfare plays a huge part in the torture being done at Guantanamo.

The lights are kept on all day and night, confusing the detainees. This can confuse them and allows them to loose track of time very easily. They are also strapped down, and forced to listen to loud rock music while the lights flicker. Verbal abuse is also used, detainees are told guantanamo bay essay are worthless, dogs have more social status then them, and their religions are attacked in order to agitate them.

Officials prevent revolts and gangs by monitoring them, as well as not allowing them to speak in groups of more than three. Just like the reason for the beatings, the use of this type of torture is to break down the detainees will.

Once they are mentally and psychically abused, they have no choice but to accept whatever they are being told. The use of this kind of torture is devastating to the psychical and mental health of the people in the camp. The reason the abuse has been able to continue is because of the confidentiality used, and we now know of the abuse because of interviews and examinations.

The only people who know of the true chilling details are the commander of the bay, and the people who work for him. They cannot repeat or hint at anything they see taking place at Guantanamo, guantanamo bay essay, and because of that no one knows what truly occurs. To make matters worse, the U. Government claims that there is no abuse being held at the center.

Whenever another rumor springs up, they are quick to get out and shoot it down. Talking about what goes on does happen though. The only time it does is when personal involved in the bay are there. That quote shows how terrifying it is to know that the government can say something never happened, and the public believing everything they say. This privacy and power are what allows the U. Just like in the novel, only the Inner Party members know of the true details of Roomas well as the ministries.

The only reason we know of what goes on at Guantanamo is because of inspections, and mostly interviews with released detainees from the camp. Most detainees do not speak of what happened, but thankfully a few have.

One such person is Mohamed al-Kahtani. He guantanamo bay essay reported that prostitutes have been brought in to seduce Muslims, as well as female officers. He spoke about the officials bringing in a dog to show guantanamo bay essay obedient and loyal it is. They accused him of meeting with Osama bin Laden due to the fact a man standing behind bin Laden resembled him. After telling them the truth that it was not he, the torture began. After months of abuse, he finally gave in and falsely admitted to being at the meeting, guantanamo bay essay.

We know of all this because of the detainees telling us first hand experience, guantanamo bay essay. The only reason we know of what goes on in Room is because of Winston telling us. Although one is a novel and the other is a military camp, they both contain extremely dangerous characteristics. Guantanamo Bay is basically the real life Oceania for people under suspicion of terrorism. Even the small details of not being allowed to urinate and keeping the lights on all day are the same as the novel.

Not only torture, but the secrecy of the whole operation is exactly the same as Keeping it within the Bay is the same as the Party keeping it within the Party.

The use of torture is sickening and very much inhumane. But even so, it is one of the most effective ways to get someone to talk. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Flashcards Torture in Guantanamo Bay. Torture in Guantanamo Bay 3 March Hire verified writer. Torture in Guantanamo Bay Essay Example. Related Essays. Is Torture Ever Ok? Is torture acceptable Is Torture justified? A limited time offer! Save Time On Research and Writing.

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Video Essay Guantanamo

, time: 3:20

Shutting Down the Guantanamo Bay - Words | Essay Example

guantanamo bay essay

Nov 29,  · Guantanamo Bay was obtained on perpetual lease by the U.S. from Cuba after the Spanish-American War of ; sovereignty over the territory, however, lies with Cuba -- although the Cuban government under Fidel Castro considers the U.S. control of Guantanamo as illegal Terrorism: Guantanamo Bay Detention Center Essay Words | 8 Pages Detainees held in Guantanamo Bay Detention Center located in Cuba are not only potential terrorists, but are also potential threats to our country, families, and loved ones Guantanamo Bay And Human Rights Essay Words | 9 Pages. Guantanamo Bay and Human Rights Guantanamo Bay, which is a detention camp located in Cuba, is always a controversy human-right related topic. People always refer Guantanamo as one of the worst prison in the world

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