Monday, May 31, 2021

Persuasive essay on drinking and driving

Persuasive essay on drinking and driving

persuasive essay on drinking and driving

Drunk driving crashes are never accidents. Drunk driving is a serious issue. Drunk driving is also known as D.U.I. (driving under influence). When a person’s BAC (blood alcohol content) is over , this it is considered not safe to drive. Drivers who are drunk aren’t as focused on the road and are prone to causing more accidents Persuasive Speech On Drinking And Driving Words3 Pages Every teenager loves that moment when we are on the open road, sitting right behind the wheel, joining the millions of adults that drive everyday. That feeling of nervousness and excitement is the Persuasive Speech. I. Attention 1. You tube video clip, “Dedicated to Loved Ones Lost”. 2. Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ) II. Central Thesis

Silver Essay: Persuasive essay about drinking and driving students privacy guaranteed!

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Drinking and Driving Persuasive Essay Comm July 12, Drinking and Driving Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving.

The disregard for safe persuasive essay on drinking and driving has been a predicament to the United States of America for years. Many years Police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathalyzer tests and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers.

Over the years fatality rates have increased, so the Department of Transportation and Highway Safety has composed a series of safe driving campaigns.

Don't use plagiarized sources. They propagate safe driving through the various channels of the media and non-profit organizations such as Mothers against Drunk Driving MADD. The mission of M. is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking.

Their safe driving campaign is now using effective propaganda aimed directly at speeding, drunk driving, fatigue and reckless driving. Repetition is often used in the safe driving campaign in order to successfully convey their message and also to ensure, that the viewer retains their main idea.

Fear is also often used in an effort to reach the viewer on an emotional level. Presently the Government and the Department of Transportation have worked in collaboration with one another to bring forth a message to the public about road safety.

Since road fatalities have affected the United States of America so much that the advice has become propaganda in every sense of the term. There is one idea propagated repeatedly in an emotional manner persuasive essay on drinking and driving appropriate cartoons and even name-calling. Has the massive propaganda campaign set out by the Government and the Department of Transportation been effective in ensuring the safety of motorist throughout the country?

Philosophy is important when it comes to propaganda, mainly because propaganda primarily focuses on one main idea. The safe driving campaign persuasive essay on drinking and driving directed to be of the general good for the public. It convinces the common people of the importance of life and makes them aware of the consequences that come from small and simple choices they make every day.

The child plays a vital role in this piece of propaganda in that it represents a loved one, family member and anything cherished, persuasive essay on drinking and driving. It shows what could be left behind, if a driver chooses to ignore safe driving. This also instigates a number of feelings in the viewers mind about their family, and the result to their loved ones.

Fear is also generated in this piece of propaganda in that it plays on the emotions of the viewer by making them aware of what may be left behind if they die by a thoughtless and preventable accident. This further prompts safe driving, that it reveals to the viewer real life accidents, and promotes concern to the viewer. It also gives a sense of pity for the child that has been abandon by its deceased parents. This is a typical propaganda article which relies heavily on the emotions of the viewer to convey its message.

It first projects scenes of typical Christmas events which then suddenly are replaced by horrific automobile accidents. Its effectiveness is further enhanced as the Christmas scenes aroused the emotions of the viewer. This would be a time when the accident scenes would influence the viewer the most. This affects the viewer differently from the previous piece of propaganda in that it reveals the aftermath of real road accidents. The viewer would presumably be distressed by the propaganda, therefore influencing the viewer towards safer driving.

This piece of propaganda subconsciously promotes the simple problem, solution, and technique. According to M. D Mothers against Drunk Driving Inan estimated 11, people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes. Three in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lives. Persuasive essay on drinking and driving road fatality rate has amplified so dramatically that increased speed cameras on traffic lights and breathalyzer tests are being inputted into the highways and streets.

With the ongoing safe driving propaganda the Government and Department of Transportation inputted, persuasive essay on drinking and driving, road fatalities are still continuing.

So therefore how can the safe driving campaign have been effective in ensuring the safety of motorists? The safe driving campaign was effective in that it followed the usual norms of propaganda. The campaign was effective in influencing motorists to drive in a more-safe manner, thou it takes time to be accepted and understood by the general public.

References Mothers against drunk driving. org Cite this Drinking and Driving Persuasive Drinking and Driving Persuasive. Drinking and Driving Persuasive.

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Diana Olvera-Persuasive essay-Drinking and Driving

, time: 5:28

persuasive essay on drinking and driving

Persuasive Speech. I. Attention 1. You tube video clip, “Dedicated to Loved Ones Lost”. 2. Every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ) II. Central Thesis Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving Words6 Pages Every year, an estimate of 10, people in the United States die from motor vehicle crashes that involve a drunk driver. Not only is the number of accidents leading to thousands of deaths and injuries are excessive, but also the cost of repair for the vehicles is sky high Drunk driving crashes are never accidents. Drunk driving is a serious issue. Drunk driving is also known as D.U.I. (driving under influence). When a person’s BAC (blood alcohol content) is over , this it is considered not safe to drive. Drivers who are drunk aren’t as focused on the road and are prone to causing more accidents

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