Monday, May 31, 2021

Uniform essay

Uniform essay

uniform essay

Argumentative Essay: School Uniforms and the Constitution. School Uniforms. School uniforms are becoming a popular trend amongst schools. Students and even most. parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms; stating that. uniforms take away the right of self-expression. School uniforms are not a negative thing Uniforms. Schools uniforms are becoming a common trend in the current school system. Students, teachers, and parents have varied feelings about the need for students to wear uniforms. While some point to the need for all learners to look alike and for discipline purposes, others contend that the requirement for all learners to wear uniforms takes away students’ freedom of self-expression Essay on School Uniforms As stated in a Forbes article, an estimated $1, is spent on clothing per American family every year, nearly % of an average family’s expenses (Johnson 1). Purchasing school uniforms can save parents large sums of money because school uniforms need to be purchased on a less frequent basis than normal clothing

School Uniforms Essay | Essay on School Uniforms for Students and Children in English - NCERT Books

By essaysmasters. Get a price quote Type of your assignment Type of paper Urgency Academic Level Pages Currency ORDER Summary The school uniform has long history. Many schools have constant disputes on the necessity of wearing the school uniform, uniform essay. Some schools affirm that it is not only a face of a pupil, but also a face of a school.

However, others claim that it effects neither academic achievement nor discipline of students. There are both advantages and disadvantages of the school uniform. The main uniform essay are a sign of belonging to a certain school and a uniform essay of a synonym to the word discipline. It reduces competition and envy.

It hides social differences. There are many disadvantages as well, uniform essay. The school uniform does not develop personality. It is an element of equation of all children, uniform essay. It may be very expensive for poor families. It can be very inconvenient and unfashionable.

It can sometimes create complexes. Some schools do not have schools uniform, but a certain dress code. For example, uniform essay, girls are not allowed wearing short skirts or high heels, and boys — extremely wide pants and shirts. History of school uniforms has more than uniform essay decade. Debates about the positive and negative sides of the uniformity in clothes have been conducted for many years.

In many schools, there are disputes on the necessity of the school uniform, uniform essay. The school should not only teach, but also educate a sense of the style and extent in children. A school uniform is a casual form of clothes for students during their stay at school and on the official school activities outside of a school, uniform essay.

It is not only a face of a pupil, but also a face of a school, uniform essay. In the United States, a school uniform is common in private schools. It usually contains the logo of the institution. Public schools do not have this rule. However, most of schools have a clear dress code and are asked to wear removable shoes and pants for physical education, uniform essay.

Different institutions have different rules. For example, the length of mini-skirts must not be shorter than the tips of the fingers, uniform essay. Transparent clothes are prohibited. As a rule, students wear simple clothing: jeans, uniform essay, wide T-shirts and sneakers.

Debates about school uniforms in the US are constant. Ardent supporters of democracy defend the rights of students in their style.

However, some believe that the school uniform forms discipline and improves performance. Many students do not realize the beauty and practicality of the school uniform. In addition, it is a part of traditions and history of the country and schools. Children must appreciate and respect them.

The aim of the study is to determine the impact of the school uniform on academic achievements, safety, financial implications, freedom of expression and dress code. Psychologists have decided to learn if school uniforms depend on the mood and academic achievement of students, uniform essay. Findings were ambiguous. Many people believe that a school uniform helps children be more organized and not be distracted on the lessons thereby increasing their academic achievement.

It helps uniform essay the spirit and traditions of the institution and instills a sense of belonging and unity of students and teachers. The school uniform helps maintain discipline and improves academic achievement. Ina scientific research was conducted, which showed that students that wear the school uniform learnt better than those uniform essay schools were allowed not to wear it.

Experts believe that in this case, children are not distracted by the discussion of clothing. The school uniform attunes them to behave more seriously within the walls of the institution. It reduces the time that children spend on the decision what to wear to school. However, other scientists believe that there is no direct link between school uniforms and academic achievements of students.

The school uniform uniform essay acts as a measure of control and discipline on some students. However, it cannot be expected that the school uniform will improve academic achievements of all students. Introduction of school uniforms without efforts of both students and parents unlikely affects the progress in studies.

Hundreds of factors especially teacher training have an influence on academic achievements. Therefore, uniform essay, it is impossible to see how the school uniforms help students. A child will probably spend the time saved by the fact uniform essay it is not necessary to choose what to wear on computer games rather than lessons. Not to mention the fact that the choice of clothes takes no more than minutes a day.

School Uniform and Safety Many defenders of the school uniform argue that its main advantage lies in the fact that it reduces the risk of conflicts between peers and increases their safety outside the school. It also increases the level of security inside the school, uniform essay.

Among children, who wear the school uniform, the number of fights is reduced by half. Cases of vandalism are significantly reduced. It is harder to skip classes. Children in the school uniform walking around the city are immediately noticeable. Therefore, a student in the school uniform is hardly sold beer or cigarettes. Recently, in the United States, the school uniform is uniform essay life-saving, due to frequented shootings at schools, uniform essay. In this case, uniform essay main advantage of the school uniform is that for a student, it is harder to hide a weapon under it rather than under baggy or large clothes.

A uniform policy can prevent it. However, the policy cannot solve all problems. The main argument, uniform essay, which defenders of school uniforms make, is that it is cheaper to buy a set of uniform than to collect for a child the whole wardrobe for the entire school year. It is a great help for poor parents. One of the tasks of school uniforms is to unite children of different uniform essay status. A school uniform helps students adapt to the school atmosphere.

Many experts believe that an obvious advantage of the school uniform is that it mitigates visible signs of the social stratification among children and adolescents. When some students are dressed in costumes from expensive boutiques or sewn in elite ateliers, and others wear clothes from cheap stores, the difference in family incomes is very noticeable.

On the other hand, the school uniform cannot hide this difference. There are shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry and mobile phones. Thus, children can always find the way how to stand out from others and children from wealthier families will always find a way to emphasize their social status. In addition, among child psychologists, there is an opinion that the hidden social inequality is not for the benefit of a child, uniform essay. It exists in society, and the school uniform makes an attempt to mask it artificially.

The task of parents and teachers is to teach children to take uniform essay circumstances adequately and give the top priority to human qualities and not to the cost of clothing. However, uniform essay, a set of uniforms does not cover all the needs of a child. Parents will still buy ordinary clothes for a child. Therefore, the school uniform becomes a source of additional costs. That is, it does not reduce the problem of poor families, but rather increases it.

In fact, a good school uniform is always expensive. A child has time to stain the clothes a few times during a week.

School uniforms have to be changed almost every year due to the physiological characteristics of children. Therefore, the school uniform is not cheaper than the usual clothes and can be very expensive for poor families. Unified clothes as a form of a particular educational institution plays an important role in allocation of students of this community among other individuals of the society, and can serve as a means of identification, rising of the corporate spirit and a sense of uniform essay to a certain idea and community.

However, frequently, the school uniform plays a directly opposite role, uniform essay. Self-identification of students is impossible. Initially, the task of the school uniform was to eliminate the differences between people of different faiths, religions, uniform essay, social and economic status within a specific space — school. However, at the same time, any differences between students are eliminated. There is a major and very important reason for the rejection of an idea of introducing school uniforms.

Many psychologists believe that the use of a single form in schools suppresses uniform essay of a child. This element equalizes all students in education and training.

The school uniform inhibits the development of human creativity and prevents self-expression. For each person, the ability to express individuality is very important, especially for the younger generation.

A strict requirement to uniform essay a uniform is, to some extent, a form of violence against the person. The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has the right to freedom of expression.

Argument Essay breakdown 'School Uniforms'

, time: 51:58

Should Students Wear Uniforms? Free Essay Example

uniform essay

 · School uniforms always cause a huge debate amongst parents and students. The big controversy surrounding school uniforms is whether or not they are great for schools. While most parents and students argue that they save time while other parents argue that some parents cannot afford their child’s uniform because it is too expensive/5(29) Essay on School Uniforms As stated in a Forbes article, an estimated $1, is spent on clothing per American family every year, nearly % of an average family’s expenses (Johnson 1). Purchasing school uniforms can save parents large sums of money because school uniforms need to be purchased on a less frequent basis than normal clothing  · Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 2 ( words) Views. School uniforms have been around for many years and many people debate if students should still wear them. These uniforms are constricting children because they are not able Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

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